Holy Week & the Paschal Tridiuum 2013
Wielki Tydzien
The culmination of Lent is Holy Week, appropriately known in Polish as "the Great Week." The most important are the first day, Palm Sunday, and the last three, known by the Latin term, "Triduum." The remaining days are largely set aside for the physical preparation for Easter: shopping, baking and house-cleaning. From Palm Sunday through the Resurrection Procession at Sunrise on Easter Sunday, thus is the single period of time in which Polish Catholics will spend the most time in devotion at church. These devotions intensify in the Triduum, beginning on Holy Thursday.
Bazie or Kotki are the pussy willow branches cut several weeks ahead and placed in water so they sprout their furry, little buds by Palm Sunday.
In the past, Palm Sunday was called Niedziela Kwietna (floral Sunday), because bouquets of wildflowers, pussy willows and evergreens were blessed in churches, rather than real, subtropical palms, which were not available.