18 Piesza Pielgrzymka do Częstochowy
regulamin pieszej pielgrzymki 2019 (3).p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [225.7 KB]
Pielgrzymka - Rejestracja 2019pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [118.2 KB]
Pilgrim Release and Waiver of Liability [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [80.6 KB]
Summer Festival
"Marking the Canonization of Saint John Paul II April 27, 2014"
Our Parish Council has decided to create a special donation board called "Marking the Canonization of Saint John Paul II, " which will be placed at the main entrance of our church. This board will list the names of donors grateful to the Great Pope. A plaque will cost $ 250.00. Please contact the parish office if you want your family name included.
In the vestibule of our church we have a Parish Jubilee Board listing the names of our Jubilee Donors. This Board is only 20% filled. I have decided to use the rest of
the board as a place of memory of our dearly departed loved ones, "In Memory Of". The memory plaque with a name or names can be purchased at the Rectory Office
for a cost of $250. If you are interested, please contact the Rectory Office.
-Fr. Jan