18 Piesza Pielgrzymka do Częstochowy 



Regulamin Pieszej Pielgrzymki 2019
regulamin pieszej pielgrzymki 2019 (3).p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [225.7 KB]
Piesza Pielgrzymka - Rejestracja
Pielgrzymka - Rejestracja 2019pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [118.2 KB]
Pilgrim Release and Waiver of Liability
Pilgrim Release and Waiver of Liability [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [80.6 KB]

Lenten Retreat  


2017 Lenten Retreat Information


Christmas Pierogi Order 2018
Christmas Pierogi 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [395.0 KB]

Summer Festival

Festival Sponsors 2019
Festival Spansors 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [117.9 KB]
Festival Winners 2019
Festival Baskets 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [151.6 KB]
2018 Summer Festival Sign.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [489.6 KB]

Pope St. John Paul II Devotions

On the16th of each month, after the morning Mass, we will have a short devotion to St. John Paul II, with veneration of his relic.

"Marking the Canonization of Saint John Paul II April 27, 2014"


Our Parish Council has decided to create a special donation board called "Marking the Canonization of Saint John Paul II, " which will be placed at the main entrance of our church. This board will list the names of donors grateful to the Great Pope. A plaque will cost $ 250.00. Please contact the parish office if you want your family name included.

In the vestibule of our church we have a Parish Jubilee Board listing the names of our Jubilee Donors. This Board is only 20% filled. I have decided to use the rest of
the board as a place of memory of our dearly departed loved ones, "In Memory Of". The memory plaque with a name or names can be purchased at the Rectory Office
for a cost of $250. If you are interested, please contact the Rectory Office.

-Fr. Jan

If you want to receive the bulletin electronically or notice of meetings or special events going on in the parish, then please give us your Email address.

You can do this by going to the "Sunday Bulletin" page and then " E-Bulletin sign up "